Parents, let's have some Halloween fun! Email Mrs. Hall (hall@shawnee.k12.mo.us) a picture of your Shawnee student(s) dressed up for Halloween tonight. The pictures will be used for our FFF (First Friday Fun) this Friday.

3rd and 4th grade had a spooky time designing and creating Haunted Houses. But, was anyone going to be willing to purchase their haunted house if it was for sale? They had to persuade sellers of how "sweet" their house really was!

Fall Newsletter for the Shawnee Community--2023

Permission slips for our field trip to the Dickerson Park Zoo are due tomorrow.

BOO Bag Order Forms need to be turned in by tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24th. The Shawnee Student Council appreciates you supporting our fall fundraiser!

Maker Monday in STEM had some great creations, such as a bathtub, purses, vehicles, and a cardboard comb from the 3/4 grade class.

Tomorrow is Favorite Color Day at Shawnee! Students are encouraged to wear their favorite color to school tomorrow!

Grandparents Day is coming up on Thursday, September 28th. If your child would like to have grandparents (or a special guest) visit them at school, please complete the Google Form that was emailed out last week. Forms are due back by the end of the day tomorrow, Tuesday, September 19th, in order to help us plan.
The day will begin at 8:45 AM and wrap up with lunch at 11:40. There will be class presentations, activity stations for students/grandparents, pictures, and Book Fair Shopping! Lunch will be chicken alfredo, salad, breadstick, and fruit.
If you have any questions about this special day, please call the school office at (660) 885-3620.

Family Reading Night is Thursday, September 21st from 5:15-7:00 PM. Our theme this year is the The Great Escape. Families will work together to "escape" by completing reading skill puzzles. The Book Fair will be open for shopping from 6:15-7:00 and PTO will be providing Walking Tacos for dinner!
In addition, Stu-Co members are planning activities for students who want to stay after school to wait for their parents!
If you plan to join us, please complete the Google Form (emailed to each family) to help us plan. We hope to see you there!

7th & 8th graders participated in a Silent Discussion on Friday after reading the short story "Titee." They were skeptical at first, but everyone admitted they liked the opportunity to think through the critical thinking analysis questions before writing their responses. They also had an opportunity to comment on others' answers and ask questions for clarification.

3rd and 4th grade started off the new school year with a STEM activity. They had to save Fred (the gummy worm) by putting the life preserve around him. The challenge was that they could only use paper clips to accomplish this task.

The 5th and 6th grade enjoyed their well earned reward from PTO. They chose to have ice cream sundaes and watch a movie. There was enough ice cream for root beer floats.

The 7th and 8th grade students took a moment to blow bubbles again for science on a day where they were able to go outside.

The 7th and 8th grade created posters, games, or a rap to explain a math topic of their choice that they learned this year.

Bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles 🫧

3rd and 4th grade have been playing kickball during recess. They have shown such good sportsmanship with each other on the field.

Last week, the 7/8 grade STEM class held an Arcade Festival for K-2. The arcade games were made from cardboard!! It took talent & hard work to create their games! Great job!

Awesome end of the year STEM projects using Knex STEM bins, robotic hand, and water bottle math.

After reading about a therapy & library dog, Mrs. B brought her therapy dog, CJ, for a library visit!
K-2 learned how to greet a pet & had time to read to CJ! Thanks Mrs. B!

The 7th & 8th graders enjoyed a field trip to Overland Park today. We visited the Museum at Prairiefire and then enjoyed some fun at Scheels.